That Wisconsin Girl Podcast - Episode 23

Banner for That Wisconsin Girl podcast with photos of Kim Landry-Ayres, Brooke Gardow, and Mellie Artema

FEATURED GUESTs: Kim Landry-ayres, Brooke Gardow, and Mellie ARtema

Wow, I can't believe that it's already the 23rd episode of That Wisconsin Girl Podcast! Please give a warm welcome to Kim Landry-Ayres, Brooke Gardow, and Mellie Artema!

The three discuss the problem with relying on mindset, and instead, accessing all of the body's endless wisdom. They encourage you to stop letting an authoritaritian mindset run your life. If you can change and adapt your muscles, you can also change your mind and nervous system with practice, time, and gentleness on your body and mind. To learn more about living a better life and changing your habits, listen up!

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